Dr Sargam Soni
Consultant Gynaecologist, Obstetrician & Infertility Specialist
Clinical experience: 10+ years
Dr Sargam Soni is a registered Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Infertility specialist.
She completed MBBS from the prestigious K.J Somaiya Medical College. She also holds diplomas in TDD chest medicine & OBGYN. She has received specialised training in Assisted Reproductive technologies (ART) & IVF from EART, Embryology & PGD academy, UK. She has also received additional training in USG-OBGYN from Ian Donald School of Ultrasound.
Dr Soni has been an esteemed faculty panelist & speaker at various national conferences organised by AICOG, FOGSI, ISAR & RECOGYN since 2020.
Besides being a TEDX speaker in Nov 2019, she has also received various awards including Young Gynaecologist of the year 2017 (India Leadership conclave), Gynaecologist creating difference to the society in women’s health (IMA,MB) Young woman of substance, Mumbai 2016 to name a few.
She is a passionate philanthropist for Women’s Sexual & Reproductive health & actively creates awareness on Common problems in Women's health , especially CERVICAL
cancer since 2009 , has delivered talks regularly in Corporate offices including - Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, TCS, colleges like Thakur college of engineering, Schools like Children's academy group of schools, and has published articles in reputed magazines like Femina and
Cosmopolitan and many more.
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